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Unit 8 Where do you sit 发布日期:2025-01-04 10:48 点击次数:158
参考教案 教学建议 示例三
教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)
本单元主要围绕空间关系(Spatial relationship)这一功能意念项目进行教学。教学的重点如下:
句型:Where do you sit/stand?
Where does he/she sit/stand?
Who's in the middle?
方位词:left/right back/front middle in on at behind near
介词短语:on the left/right-hand side on the left/right side on sb's left/right at the back/front of the classroom in the front in front of in the back /front/ third row next to(pass)from … to …
祈使句:Touch/Draw/Lift your....
人体部位词:head face hair ear eye nose arm hand leg foot (left/right)
(三)阅读和听读有关人物位置的语篇,并正确回答理解性问题。在理解阅读课文"Who has the eraser?" 的基础上完成有关的口笔头练习,并要求学生实际表演一遍。
(四)学习与 [M],[{],[h],[w]四个辅音有关的辅音字母或字母组合的拼读规则。
1.确定人物的位置 除了第29课教学步骤Step 2,3,4中的建议外,还可以叫五六位学生站成一列,然后用以下句型问答。例如:
T: Where does A stand?
S: A stands next to B.
T: Who stands in the middle?
S: C stands in the middle.
T: Where …?
2.确定实物的位置 将已知英语名称的实物放置一起,也可指教室中的物体问答。例如:
S1: Excuse me. Where's the map of China?
S2: Look! It's next to the blackboard. Where's the teacher's desk?
S3: It's at the front of the classroom. It's in front of the blackboard. Where's the blackboard eraser, please?
S4: It's in the teacher's desk, I think.
3.描述图画 可就某一幅图画自述,也可以做问答练习。例如可就这幅会议室的图画说以下的话或进行问答:
This is a meeting room. It is not big, but it is bright and clean. There are two long tables in the middle of the room. On the right-hand side there are six chairs. On the left-hand side there are five chairs. At the front of the room there is a big table. In front of the table are some flowers. Behind the table there is a white board. On the board are some words. They say "Welcome to our school!"
Three people are standing near the door. The woman on the left is the head teacher. The other two are students. They look happy. The woman says, "Very good. Everything is ready for our meeting."
How many animals can you see in the first row?
What animal is the one in the middle/on the left/on the right?
Where is the panda/ cat /tiger?
What can you see in the third row ?
Where are the dogs/ monkeys/ pandas?
4.完成任务 全班分组竞赛。由教师或某个学生发出一系列指令,让各组的学生按照指令完成任务。完成动作准确者获胜。例如:
Please come to the front.
Go to the back of the room.
Write the word "Welcome" in the middle of the blackboard.
Put up the map on the wall.
Put the broom behind the door, please.
Go and stand on …'s right/ left.
Go and stand behind …
Go and stand in front of …
Can you carry the box to the back of the room?
Can you put it under Xiaoming's desk?
Can you put the chairs in the back row?
Can you sit next to Li Ying?
Will you please sit on Gao Hui's right/ left ?
5.翻译练习 练习册第31课第4个练习要求把一组表示方位的介词短语译成中文。当学生初步掌握这些短语时,再让他们把汉语译成英语。这对复习巩固会起很好的作用。
1)A: Where's your …?
B: It's here.
2)A: What do you see/ hear/… with?
B: I see with my ....
3)A: Touch my …, please.
B: OK. Let me touch your....
2.用于Polly says游戏的动作还有:
Open/ Close your eyes/ hands.
Keep your eyes/ hands open/ closed.
Put your hands behind your back.
Keep your hands behind your back.
Show me your left/ right arm.
Wash your hands/ face/ hair/ arms/ feet/ back.
Stop washing!
Put up your right/ left hand.
Put your hands in front of you.
Lift your right leg/ arm.
Pick apples with your left hand.
my left eye my right eye my left ear my right ear
my left hand my right hand my left arm my right arm
my left leg my right leg my left foot my right foot
接着,说整句:This is my left/ right… Look at my…
This is the right-hand side. This is the left-hand side.
第31课第一部分阅读课文应在一节课内教完,因此需用整体处理的方法。首先,指插图提问:What can you see in the picture? (A teacher and some students.) Yes, they're playing a game. The name of the game is "Who has…?" How do they play this game? Now please read the text and find out. 可先教学生词,如 pass和stop,然后叫学生默读课文,通过上下文猜测其中有些生词的意义,动脑思考,找出问题的答案。如果学生难以回答,教师需用小问题提示,如:How many students play this game? What do they pass from one to another? Can the other students look? What do the six students do when they stop? What does the teacher ask the other students to guess?
教师也可允许学生用汉语回答。然后,教师可结合文段本身的意思讲解文中的生词和难点,如 The eraser goes from one student to another-first one way, then another; keep… closed等,边讲边演示。讲解要精练,目的是让学生理解课文的意思,不必脱离课文做词汇和语法练习。文中难句可译成汉语。扫除了理解方面的障碍,就向学生提出课文后面的八个问题,让他们带着这些问题再读一遍课文,寻求答案。学生读完课文后,组成两人小组口头进行问答。两人需轮流问答,不可一人专问,另一人专答。小组活动结束,教师可叫几组学生站起来做示范问答。此时,学生理解了课文的内容,让他们听原声带,并跟读,模仿标准的语音语调,可获得较好的效果。朗读课文后,最好由教师快速度地再问一遍课文的问题。最后做练习册中的第2和3个练习,以便复习巩固所学的课文。
参考教案 Unit 8 Where do you sit教学参考资料 示例三
教学参考资料(Reference for teaching)
补充注释(Additional notes)
1.from one student to another 从一个学生(传)到另一个学生
from … to … 从……到……。如:
It is 1462 kilometres from Beijing to Shanghai.
Mr Green often travels from Beijing to London.
Things are getting from bad to worse. 事情越来越糟。
From time to time he goes to see his grandparents.
They move from one place to another.
2.The eraser goes … first one way, then another = first one way, then from another way.
3.动词keep 可以表示“保留、保存”的意思,如:
Please have one of the pens and keep it.
Can you keep the bags for me? 你能给我保存这些包吗?
keep 也可表示“使……保持某种状态”,如:
Keep the window open. It is hot here.
Put your hands in front of you, but keep them closed.
Keep your eyes closed. You mustn't look. 闭着眼睛,不许看!
We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁。
4.mustn't = must not 不许;不该
请注意,mustn't 的读音是 ['m)snt] ,不可读作['m)stnt]。
You must listen carefully. You mustn't talk. 你应该仔细听,不许说话。
You must pick up the paper. You mustn't throw it on the floor.
You mustn't drink the water. It's not clean.
You mustn't stay at home. Let's go to the zoo.
5.guess who has the eraser 猜一猜谁(手里)有橡皮。
6.介词at,in和on都可以用来表示空间的位置。它们之间的区别比较复杂。一般说来,at表示的位置是某一点;on表示的是一条线或一个平面;in表示的位置是一个立体的地方。in the back/ front row之所以用 in,是因为所谈到的人或物实际上构成了这条线的一部分。in front of是一个固定词组,表示“在……的前面”,而 at the front of是指“在……所在范围的前一部位”。at也可用in替代。例如:
The teacher stands in front of the desk.
The girls sit at/ in the front of the room.
参考教案 Unit 8 Where do you sit教学步骤 Lesson 29 示例三
教学步骤(Teaching steps)
Lesson 29
Step 1 Revision
Revise the prepositions: behind, before, near, far from, at, in, on, outside, inside, etc. by asking about people and objects. For example, Where am I standing? Help the Ss to say You're standing near the door/ blackboard.
Step 2 Presentation
1 Teach hand by holding one up and asking What's this? It's a hand. In the same way, teach This is my right hand. This is my left hand. Go around the class and say to individual Ss Show me your left/ right hand. You may also tell the Ss Put up your left/ right hand. Do it quickly.
2 Draw a road on the Bb. Point and say This is the right hand side of the road. This is the left hand side of the road. Ss listen and repeat. Then ask In China, on which side of the road do cars and bikes go? What about in England? Help the Ss to answer (right hand side; left hand side). Ask about Ss: On which side of the classroom does A sit?
3 Present phrases using on (my) left/ right. Talk about a pair of Ss. Say A is on B's right.
Where's A? Where's B? B, where's A? etc.
Repeat with other pairs. Ask randomly about Ss in the class.
Step 3 Presentation
Divide the class into three groups, the front/ middle/ back. Talk about Ss: C sits at the front of the classroom. Z sits at the back of the classroom. M sits in the middle of the classroom. Where does C/ Z/ M sit? Ask about other Ss.
In the same way, practise D sits at the front of the classroom on the left-hand side. Y sits at the back of the classroom on the right-hand side. N sits in the middle of the classroom on the left- hand side.
Step 4 Game
"Guess who!" Describe the position of a student. The class must guess whom you are describing. He/ She sits at the front of the class on the right-hand side. He/ She sits in the third row. on A's left. Who is he/ she?
When a student guesses the answer correctly, he or she describes the position of another student in the same way. This game can be played in pairs.
Step 5 Reading
SB page 29, Part 1. Read through the vocabulary in the picture with the Ss. Get them to point to the appropriate part as they speak. Then give an example: Li Lei sits at the front. Ask Where does Bill sit?
Read through the choice of answers in SB page29, Part 2. Then the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Tell them to ask about different people in Part 2 and the picture.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 6 Workbook
Wb Lesson 29, Exx. 1-4.
Do Ex. 1 orally in class. The Ss can supply the appropriate prepositions. The answers are: at, in, of, to, on, of, in, of, in, in, in, of, of, in, on, on. Ask several individual Ss the questions in Ex. 2 before the class ask and answer in pairs. For Ex. 3, Ss write the appropriate dialogue in their exercise book. Perform the dialogue with some of them, by asking Where do you like sitting?
If there is enough time, do Ex. 4. Give the Ss a few moments to prepare their sentences. (They could work in pairs or groups to do this exercise. )Collect suitable answers and get the class to practise saying them. If possible, ask them to write down the sentences.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise the expressions of position.
参考教案 Unit 8 Where do you sit教学步骤 Lesson 30 示例三
Lesson 30
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework: Revise expressions of position and get the Ss to make up some sentences about their classroom.
2 Play the Guess who! game as in Lesson 29, Step 4.
Step 2 Presentation
Ask five Ss to come to the front and arrange them as follows:
Revise behind, next to, before, in the middle, on (A's) right /left by saying C is behind A. D is next to C. B is before D. A is on B's left. E is in the middle. Ss practise these sentences. Teach in front of and give some examples. Say Tell me three things about D. Each sentence will use a different phrase, e.g. D is next to C/ behind B/ on C's right. Talk about Ss in the class: Tell me about (Name). See how many different sentences the Ss can make up.
Step 3 Practice
SB page 30, Part 1. Read through the choice of answers with the Ss. Ask some Ss the questions as a model, then let the class ask and answer in pairs.
Step 4 Practice
SB page 30, Part 2. Look at colour page iv and let the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step 5 Presentation
Books closed! Say these words, touching the appropriate features: head, eyes, nose, ears, face, arm, hand,leg, foot. Ss listen and repeat, making the same gestures. Do this twice. Write down all the words on the Bb. Say Touch your nose! Demonstrate. Repeat with other parts of the body. See who can get it right! Briefly read through the words and help the Ss to learn their pronunciation using the spelling rules.
Step 6 Read and learn
SB page 30, Part 3. Speech Cassette Lesson 30. Books open! Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat, pointing to the words in the book as they speak.
Step 7 Drawing
SB page 30, Part 4. Get the Ss to draw the picture in their exercise books. Make sure they use his or her correctly.
Step 8 Workbook
Wb Lesson 30, Exx. 1 and 3. Do these exercises orally with the whole class.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Do Wb Lesson 30, Exx. 2 and 3 in the exercise books.
Learn the parts of the body.
参考教案 Unit 8 Where do you sit教学步骤 Lesson 31 示例三
Lesson 31
Step 1 Revision
Revise the parts of the body. Say What's this? and touch your nose (or a nose on a picture ). Play the game in Lesson 32, Step 3 with the whole class.
Step 2 Presentation
Collect several objects on your desk, including an eraser. Ask the Ss about each object in the usual way: What's this in English? What colour is it? etc. Then say I can't find the eraser. Where is it? Get the Ss to give you directions, using next to/ in front of/ behind/ on, etc. Tip: don't find the eraser straight away! Make the Ss give you a number of directions before you "find" it!
Repeat with other objects.
Step 3 Reading
SB page 31, Part 1. Preteach the word pass by giving a book to a student and saying Please pass the book to (Name). Then ask How do the students play this game? Let the Ss read the passage to find the answer. Then allow the Ss a few moments to read the passage more slowly. Get the Ss to prepare answers to the question in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Point out "pair" words: from … to… ;first… then. Explain the meaning of They mustn't look (i.e. They are not allowed to look) and They must keep their eyes closed (i.e. They must not open their eyes) . Note that mustn't/ 'm+)snt/ cannot be pronounced as /'m+)znt/. When teaching the word pass, give a book to a student sitting at the back. Then say Please pass the book from the back to the front. Listening Cassette Lesson 31. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Then get individual Ss to read the passage aloud.
Step 4 Workbook
Wb Lesson 31, Ex. 2. (SB closed!) Do the first few sentences with the class, then let the Ss work alone or on pairs. Ss check the answers from SB page 31, Part 1. The answers are: to, like, in, behind, in, of, behind, of, from, to, behind, on, on, like, in.
Do Ex. 4 orally in class.
Step 5 Listening
Wb Lesson 31, Ex, 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 31. Play the tape twice or three times.
Listening text:
Look at the pictures of the children. We don't know their names!
Listen, and find out their names, and write them in the boxes.
Tim sits in the middle. Betty sits on his right. Alex sits on Tim's left. Joan sits to the left of Alex. Mary does not sit next to Alex. She sits next to Betty.
The answers are: 1 Mary, 2 Betty, 3 Tim, 4 Alex, 5 Joan.
Step 6 Game
Wb Lesson 31, Ex. 3. First, get the Ss to tell you the rules of the game. Next, play the game, inviting six different Ss to the front each time.
Note: This is another way of playing this game: the children can keep their eyes open! The children passing the rubber must be much more careful!
Revise the new vocabulary in this unit.
参考教案 Unit 8 Where do you sit教学步骤 Lesson 32 示例三
Lesson 32
Step 1 Revision
Revise positions in the classroom, as in Lesson 29, Steps 3 and 4 of the TB . Revise SB Lesson 31, Part 1.
Step 2 Word families
SB page 32, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 32. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then show random flashcards with words for the Ss to pronounce. Do Wb Lesson 32, Ex . 1. Ask four Ss to do the exercise on the Bb while the other Ss write it in their exercise books . Then check the answers with the class .
Step 3 Game
Revise the names of parts of the body: What's this? etc. Then SB page 32, Part 2. Read through the instructions . Play "Polly says" . Get the Ss to play this game in groups. One student gives instructions while you act as judge . (If he/ she doesn't say "Polly says" . Ss should not do anything . Those who make a mistake must sit down . ) e . g .
S: Polly says touch your (eyes).
Encourage the Ss to use different verb phrases such as Wash your hair/…
Step 4 Checkpoint 8
Go through Checkpoint in the usual way. This is a good time to revise the different prepositions, particularly the uses of in, on, at in phrases. Discuss any problems that the Ss raise.
Step 5 Test
Draw this diagram on the Bb:
Sam Mike
Lily Wei Hua Lin Tao
Bill Smith
Give the Ss an example: Sam sits at the front of the classroom .
Ask the Ss to write five more sentences about the diagram.
Step 6 Workbook
Wb Lesson 32, Ex . 2.
Let the Ss work alone or in pairs . They can find words going up, down, left and right. When the Ss report their answers , they should describe where the word is: in the third line on the left -hand side there is the word "touch". Rows go across .Lines go down. Get the Ss to number the lines and rows before they start to do the exercise . The answers are:
Line Row
1 left tea 2 side
2 ear 4 head
3 touch hair 6 front full
4 hand 9 foot
5 next 10 black pass
7 middle 11 face
8 back
9 eye nose
11 right
13 question
14 leg
15 arm no
Step 7 Song
Wb Lesson 32, Ex. 3 is optional. Do it in class if time permits . Speech Cassette Lesson 32.Listen to the tape and repeat. Practise this song verse by verse. Get the students to make appropriate gestures as they sing.
Learn the song.
Learn the contents of Checkpoint 8.